CCF Small Groups

Students have the opportunity to join various CCF small groups. There are small groups dedicated to certain topics, what it means to follow Jesus, and even general biblical knowledge. "Life groups" are offered for students to meet weekly with an intern and several other students to explore faith and what it means to you. Read below for more information. Times and dates vary by semester. If you see something you like, sign up for a small group here.

Life Groups

Life Groups are you and a small group of 2 or 3 of your soon to be close (BEST!) friends of the same gender, along with a leader, meeting together once a week to talk about life, interests, Jesus, ups & downs, how they relate and why it matters. It's a time to relax, enjoy, be challenged, develop close friendships and open up with some fellow students who care. Sign up to join a CCF life group today!

Neal Baker

Financial Small Group

Come and learn to actually manage money instead of randomly throwing it around, and then later wondering where it all went. Email Neal Baker to sign up for Financial Small Group or sign up here with interest.

Neal's College of Biblical Knowledge

Is there stuff you don't understand in the bible? Me too! That's why I developed this unaccredited college to give out imaginary degrees in biblical knowledge. Come join me as we learn more about all that stuff that we didn't understand. Email Neal Baker to sign up for Neal's College of Biblical Knowledge or sign up here with interest.

Brainstorming with Rick, Jordan, and Heather

Come and talk about the scripture in this week's talk. Help Rick, Jordan, and Heather think about things from your perspective before their talk. Email Rick or Jordan for the times for their Brainstorming groups.

Rick Harper

Jordan Gignilliat

Heather Powell